I have the same issue but with my father in law. We have been together for 2 1/2 years and from the molment he met me, he hated me. He thinks I am only with his sn for money which is not true and calls me horrible names and not matter what I do it is never good enough. When he comes to my house he disrespects me, my daughter, and my home. He will leave his stuff everywhere, doesnt hang up his bath towel, or make his bed. I know how he runs his home and he never does this in his own home. He ignores my daughters, which is not his son but he accepts her as his own. He has even went as far to ask his son if he would send me to my mothers or to a hotel when he comes down for christmas and make sure I wouldnt come to the house while he wa there. I told him no way in h e double hockey sticks. This is my house, I live here everyday and i take care of everything there is no way he is gonna take that from me just because he is coming down here. My fiance is an over the road truck driver and wont be home possible until christmas. There is no way he is taking him from me expecally if I havent seen him sciene august.