Two year olds tend to change their sleep patterns no matter what. He may have had a good deal of awake time in the crib while you were sleeping and eventually figured out how to climb out. of his crib I have raised my three kids and my grandson who has had many sleep problems. I personally do not, and have never, believed in locking a kid in their room. When my son was four, he started roaming the house and getting into things so we had to figure something out. We placed an expansion gate in his doorway after babyproofing his room. For some reason he never climbed the gate. He played and slept until one of us was up to take him out. A two year old's brain activity is increased and they tend to sleep less and explore more. My daughter startled me when she appeared at my bedside at 18mos after crawling out of her crib! I remained calm and told her she must always come to mommy first if everyone was sleeping, which she did. (She also started speaking at 12 months!) My gs always came to me first and usually crawled into our bed. I don't understand the prevailing feeling today that you must control your child's sleep patterns. They will sleep as they can and patterns will change. Regarding his nap, many children stop taking naps around 2. I w/suggest you establish a quiet time where he can sleep, look at books, listen to music or stories on tape, but remain in a quiet spot with little stimulus. You might need to lie with him to get him started on this. It is not the sleep he needs, but the lack of stimulus to allow his brain to rest. Sleep will come if he needs it. Also, look around his room and remove toys to another room. Create a room that is conducive to rest and sleep. Lastly, my favorite, a rocking chair. I have rocked my children and my grandchildren and there is nothing like it to quiet a child. My grandmother rocked me and when she did, the world was a good place. My daughter rocks her children also. Just a grandmom's advice!