I hope that all the advice that you have recieved was useful. I do have some of my own that I would like to share with you. A few years ago, my son (now seven) and I moved into another house and I am a single mother too. His father and I did not work out, but we came up with a great plan. We sent my son to his grandparens for the day. While he was visiting, I arranged his room exactly like it was in the old house. I mean to the exact placing of his bed, entertainment center, bears, toys, the whole nine yards. I must admit that when I finally picked him up, he wondered around the house and saw his room, just the way that it was (like in the old house)he felt comfortable, as if we were living there for years. His whole room was completely unpacked and organized. I think that it really worked out because the rest of the house was partially set up (boxes scattered) and my child could just go into his room and play without any waiting (for you to unpack her toys or set up her bed). I hope that this may be beneficial to you and your child.