Try baby motrin or ibuprophin if you can. Its better for that typr of pain then tylenol. Try freezing some doughnut holes and giving him them to chew on. A friend of mine swore by those.
i have a 15 month old baby boy and he is on teething.actually he always feel pain in his mouth as wall as in his head.so i gave him a tylenol and apply teething relief gel.but it doesn't work.and doctors also suggest the same tylenol.but as i told it's not working.and in the night ,because of teething his sleeping is not good , and sometimes he has a temparature .he cries bitterly.like what i can do.so i need ur help.
Try baby motrin or ibuprophin if you can. Its better for that typr of pain then tylenol. Try freezing some doughnut holes and giving him them to chew on. A friend of mine swore by those.
You might want to try motrin at night. It will last longer. You could also try the teething tablets, they disolve once they hit the saliva.
It could also be something else other than teeth. Sometimes when my kids are going through a growth spirt they get hungry in the middle of the night. If you are still bottle feeding or breastfeeding try that and see if that helps out.
I know that it might be tough right now but it is only temporary.
I used Hyland Teething Tablets and they saved my life!! You can find them in the baby section (lotions, soap and etc) in Target or any other drug or grocery stores. They relieve the pain and always calmed my baby/toddler down, especially at night when my little one seemed to feel the pain the most. I hope it helps and good luck!
We used either tylenol or motrin. With our girls, motrin seemed to work better on teething aches.
We also used the Baby Orajel swabs. It was much easier to use those then the gel becuase the swab had the medicine in it, and I was never sure if I was getting the right places if I just used the gel.
You could also try freezing a damp washcloth for him to chew on...I haven't tried that, but have heard that works well.
For what it's worth and good luck!
My pediatrician has always recommended baby/childrens motrin (in combination with orajel when the teeth are getting ready to break through). The tylenol never worked for my boys when they were teething...I HAD to use the Motrin. My pediatrician has a great chart on their website to help know how much to give them according to their weight. Hope this helps.
I don't like giving medicine to babies and there is little evidence that it helps much anyhow. I use Hyland's Teething Tablets. You can get them next to Baby Orajel in most grocers as well as at natural stores like Whole Foods. They are all-natural and homeopathic. Worth a try:)