My 18 Month Old Son Is Naughty!

Updated on April 30, 2007
H. asks from Mesa, AZ
9 answers

My son loves to throw anything & everything no matter where we are! If we are at the store and someone walks by or talks to him he throws whatever is in his hands at the person. He knows I do not like him doing this - and I do tell him "NO!" If we are at a restaurant with other people & they look at him he throws his pacifier or whatever is in reach. Has anyone had a child that would do this and did they ever outgrow it? I am at my wits end! I fear he is going to hurt someone and hope he outgrows this.

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answers from Tucson on

Two words: Squirt Bottle. Works like a charm. It works on any negative behavior. Keep one in the car to take when you are out and about and one in the fridge at home!

We have 4 kids, and it is so much better than yelling, spanking, time out, or anything else.

Good luck!

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answers from Santa Fe on

Oh, what a fun new game he has learned! "If I throw something, Mommy will pick it up again"! This can be fun in the right environment, but I'm sure he more often does it when your attention is on someone or something else--like ordering dinner or getting groceries! If you've can't indulge him right then, then pick it up, but don't give it back for awhile. He may have a little fit for a while, but he will learn. This is a beginning age for organized discipline, and he is designed to test you. He may feel like a big boy if you have him help you get certain items to put into the cart and if he can help you put away his toys at the end of the day. Make it fun! I have two older kids, and it is amazing what you learn right along with them! Good luck to you.



answers from Tucson on

OH HEATHER!!! i am RIGHT there with you, my daughter is 17 months old and she throws sippy cups, food, paci, anything she can and when we take it away she screams an cries for it. we have tried alot of different things and sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. sometimes she throws herself on the floor and does what i call break dancing. she flings her arms and legs around all crazy. the only thing that i know that gets her is ignoring her. we are at the point where we cant even go out to eat. we were at taco bell and and soon as we sat down she started her fit so we had to get our food to go. since then we have been teaching her sign language to tell us if she wants "more" or if she is "all done" it has helped alot. good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

My son who is now 2 1/2 went through this too. He even did it when I my dh was brave enough to take him to a restaurant by himself. My dh has refused to take him out alone since.
My son has outgrown it for the most part. Your son is just testing his boundaries. Just keep working with him. I know it sounds easier said than done but just give it time.



answers from Albuquerque on

Hi Heather, Yes my Older Son was just like that and let me tell you, he had a good aim LOL. We repeatedly told him No and he finally stopped throwing items at others, including me, at the age of 2 1/2 years old. My middle Son was very rude to people and would ask them "What are you looking at"? and "You Stupid Lady/Man"! We would reprimand him, by telling him he was never to treat other like that and we would take away his favorite toys, games, etc. for a while. I guess you would call it grounding and now he is a lot more friendlier and respectful of others and he outgrew this at about age 4. Hang in there Heather, all children are different, as you probably already know, but sooner or later, they stop the bad habit, usually right after they start school.



answers from Phoenix on

Hi Heather! My youngest is the same way and is 29 mos. He has two older siblings that he tries his best to keep up with, so this in turn makes it harder to discipline him. He also loves to spit. I HATE IT!!!! Anything I give him to drink he spits everywhere. There are chocolate milk spots all over our house and I am at my wits end with him. I wish I could give you a light at the end of the tunnel, but my oldest didn't grow out of the terrible two's until he went to kindergarten. It was like a swith was turned on once he was in Kindergarten for a couple of months and his behavior made an awesome turn around! Hang in there, the next few years can really try your patience! Remember, this to shall pass and before you know it, you'll wish he was little again. Enjoy every second of it!! Naughty and nice! L.



answers from Phoenix on

Don't worry this is a normal thing and he will out grow it. Basicly he is playing fetch with you, he throws you pick it up and give it back. All children go through this both of my older girls did this. When you go out don't give him any thing to throw he finds it amusing when you get upset so he will do it more. Just ignore him if he throws his sucky then pick it up and put it away, if he cry's so what don't give in let him cry it out and he will find some thing else to amuse himself with. just remember the more you react to what he does the more he will do it. so even if you are in the mall and he is crying over a thrown object ignore him and soon he will stop. So many mothers are so worried about what other people think that they will second guess themselves and give in to their children. Don't worry about all the people looking at you they don't know you or your child.



answers from Phoenix on

Hi Heather, my daughter is a little over 2 yrs old. She also is a naughty child. She screams when she doesnt get her way, and throws things all the time. I have tried timeout, the naughty chair, telling her no, and she still doesnt listen. The other day she threw a soda bottle at a woman that came to visit at our home. She also spits too!!



answers from Albuquerque on

Welcome to the terrible twos. Throwing objects is quite a bit of fun for children of this age. As the others have said you just need to pick up the item and put it away. More often than not it is harder for moms to not give in then it is for the child to get over not getting the item back. This is the stage where you really need to set boundries. From about 18 months to around 3 1/2 is when children set out to see what they can and can't get away with. If he cries let him cry do not break down and give in. I wish you the best and all the patience in the world you will need it. My children are 13 and going to be 9 on thursday so I promise you it will pass and then you have all new games to play. :)

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