Sounds like allergies. Can be helped very easily with some at home remedies. If you are more comfortable going to a MD then you should.
she has a runny nose watery eyes cough sounds like she is losing her voice she is a 18 months. what could it be? should i take her to the doctor
well i called the on call nurse b/c her temp went upu to 104.2 and tey told me to take her into urgent care. they checked her out she has a virus. they said her body will fight it off, thank you for all the help.
Sounds like allergies. Can be helped very easily with some at home remedies. If you are more comfortable going to a MD then you should.
Sounds like allergies, poor baby :( Unless she has a fever or a cough that lasts more than a few days, I'd hold off on the doctor... chances are if IS simple allergies, then OTC Benadryl will help (call the doc and ask about dosage). You don't want her picking up something worse than at the doctors office. YOU know your child better than anyone, so if you still feel like this warrants a visit to the pediatrician, then take her. Otherwise, lots of fluids and extra love will always help :) Hope she feels better soon!
I agree with the poster about not going in to the dr for every little thing since you can pick up worse stuff there, but I would definitely call the dr before you start medicating her. You should be able to call the nurse line for free.
sounds like allergies...I give my kids zyrtec or claritin i think its for ages 2+ But you can ask the pharmacist which allergy med is best for her age...
oh man do not know what your pollen counts are down there, but up here in north texas they are really really bad. You may still take her to the doctor to see what meds the recomend for her. Zyrtec is most common, but my son and I both need to do a prescript nasal spray right now as well.
My kids just got over that. I gave them Olive Leaf, Echinacea & Hylands Cold tablets (homeopathic). They were better in 3 days. Check Whole Foods and someone in the vitamin area can help you.
Sounds like allergies, try Claritin for kids.
Yup. If no fever, she has allergies. Call the doc and ask, but our pedi put our daughter on Zyrtec when she was that age.