LOL. I agree with the men folk on this one. It is definitely our responsibility as mothers to make sure our girls learn to be girls. I would definitely be talking to her daycare people though. She should NEVER be witness to men or boys peeing...ever. She is totally in the learning stages of life and I'm sure it will pass, however, I would never condone it and I would keep telling her that it is not what girls do.
I just started to giggle when I saw this because I caught my boys doing that when they were younger...you know...peeing for distance or something. I had a hard time getting my boys to not want to stand up to pee when they were first learning. They would pee all over the walls and floors. Ahhh! I just wanted them to sit down and pee until they were tall enough for the toilet. They wanted to be like their Dad and I could not stop them. So, I just cleaned it up and they eventually started making it in the toilet...most of the time. Ha Ha.
I would also suggest trying to put her back in diapers if she does get herself wet. Just tell her that only big girls that do not get pee on themselves can wear big girl panties. They usually don't want to wear diapers and will conform to your wishes. We can all hope anyway!
Well, good luck! Happy parenting!