My Period Is Goin Haywire!! I Don't Know What to Do....

Updated on January 30, 2013
M.V. asks from Paterson, NJ
11 answers

hi everyone.....
well just so you know, my periods have always been regular and pretty much predictable. but this month i got it in the beginning of the month for 6 days and only 18 days later and here it is again!! i also have 2 kids....6 and 18 months....and had a tubal ligation in july 2011 after having my son. my libido seems to be at a zero and i have noticed some mood swings since my cycle in november 2012 to the present. i am also 41 yrs old. i guess my concern is i just want to feel like myself again....

so anyone else out there go thru something like this?? should i call my gyn?? am i going thru peri-menopause??
my husband says to wait it out and see what happens next cycle. but i just want to get back to feeling like myself again asap....=(
thanx in advance,

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answers from Chicago on

My period was all messed up all of last year. I would get my period anywhere from 22 days to 34 days, and I had terrible, horrible mood swings when I was ovulating. It was horrible.

I got pregnant, and it actually helped with my mood ;-) Scary stuff.

I'd be interested to see what people say. I remember asking about it too. It most likely is peri-menopause. I will be 41 soon!

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answers from Dallas on

Could be any number of things. One abnormal period isn't uncommon at all. I agree with your husband, see what happens next cycle.



answers from Indianapolis on

Sounds like peri-menopause to me. I started at 40. Seems like a lot changed for me when I turned 40. You should see your dr to see just what is going on. Good luck!!



answers from Cincinnati on

I just went through this myself, I am 35 almost 36.

I went to my OB and she ran a few tests to be safe. She checked my thyroid, did an ultrasound to make sure there were no tumors/cysts and also did a small biopsy of my uterus. Everything can back fine, which meant it was hormonal. She put me on a low dose of birth control and it has been so much better! I was having crazy cycles like you. A full week cycle, then 10 days later I'd get one for three days. Or I'd constantly spot in between.
Part of your could also be from your tubal. Either way, go to your doctor. For peace of mind, and to fix the issue.


answers from Boston on

Could be peri-menopause. Could be exhaustion. Could be just "one of those things" that's so frustrating. There are plenty of things you can do naturally and with safe, food-based supplementation to provide support and get yourself back to normal.

You can call your gyn but he/she will either say to wait it out, get a lot of blood work and/or to go on medication - what other choices are there, medically? You could try a food-based approach and, if it doesn't give you enough relief in a few months, still pursue medical options. That's what I would do and that's what I advise other women I work with on these issues.


answers from Burlington on

That happened to me about 6 months ago. Along with the wackiness, I'd get *horribly* angry -- I hadn't had moods like that since my teens (I'm now 47). I asked my doctor and she said it's probably the start of menopause.

After a few months things got back to normal, thank goodness.

Hang in there -- sounds like you'll be back to feeling like yourself again soon!



answers from Miami on

Last year i got my period for 3 months straight. All freaking out. Got tested for cancer and everything to be on the safe side. But nothing was wrong. Basically it was the start of menapause. They say its quite normal. Just get yourself tested to feel better that nothing is wrong and relax and it will go back to normal on its own.



answers from Las Vegas on

41 isn't out of the norm to begin to experience Peri-menopause... I am 48 and in my early 40s the subtle signs of it were fast approaching... one of which are moods swings... low libido (thanks drop in Estrogen) and a myriad of other things....such as the shortening of one's cycle and or constant changes. you can definitely help matters out via good nutrition and exercise.. but it may help your peace of mind to get your hormones checked.. see if you are in fact in the stages of PM...Then I would try and manage it from there..

I found the medical establishment to be of little use when it came to my cycle.. Therefore, I took matters into my own hands and began reading up on it.... I was determined to figure out what was going on with my body.... I read books like, Screaming to be heard, a book by Dr. Elizabeth Vliet.. It is packed full of info with regard to women and their hormones.. she has other books out there as well....

Good luck in whatever approach you take



answers from Binghamton on

Get your thyroid levels checked. I went through all kinds of torture - 17-day-long periods, cysts, miscarriages, low libido, anxiety, weight gain, exhaustion - and it has all disappeared since I was finally diagnosed with hypothroidism. Go get your TSH level checked and if it is around or above 3, that is too high. (Do not let them tell you anything below 5 is fine, it is not). Good luck!



answers from Columbus on

I'm 43 and I've been going through it ever since my second kid was born 8 years ago. It's either the fact that I have kids or it's perimenopause. Pretty sure it's the latter, but the anger could be from the former...


answers from New York on

Make an appointment with your gyn but most likely it's hormones. My periods have been crazy (one lasted for 4 months) for no reason other than hormones.

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