My oldest son was a biter from 10 months on. My pediatrician highly recommended that I disipline him when he does that immeadiately! If not they will think it is OK to do that when they do not get thier way all the time (and trust me playdates wil be a nightmare...we had to leave early ALL THE TIME!) I waited too long to seek her opinion. I thought at first it was from teething, but it beacame a habit (and he learned quickly how to use it from my reaction). At this age, really the only way to disiple is to firmly say NO! (don't yell)they know that word by now. And if you are holding him, put him down. Or playing, stop playing, etc. Another thing is also redirect him. remove him from what is making him act out. They do that because they know they are not happy with somthing but cannot verbalize. Unfortunatley we do not know why either! Eventually they will learn they cannot do that if they want mommy's attention. They are still to young for time out. I used to put my son down and just step away (just a few steps). I hope this helps. Good luck!