My Son Spits up All Day Long.

Updated on November 22, 2009
C.M. asks from Fayetteville, NC
25 answers

my 3 month old son spits up all day, its not just after his bottle either. he will spit up for hours until his next bottle and he does not cry in pain or anything when he does it. and its not just a little bit of spit up its alot i have to change his clotths like 4 times a day. i dont understand what is going on here. iv looked on the internet for all sorts of solutions on what it could be but acid reflux does not describe what my son is going threw. right now i have switched him to 3 diffrent formulas first was the regular infamil the second was infamil AR, and then the doc switched him cause he was constipated on that so now im on gental ease. he also has gas all day long all my son does is fart and spit up. i dont know what to do or what to think im going crazy cause of what my baby is going threw can anyone give me any ideas or advice??????????????

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answers from Jacksonville on

My son was having similar problems, so we switched his formula to "Baby's Only Organic Dairy Formula", which we had to buy on the internet (luckyvitamin or vitacost). We also put him on "Udo's Choice Infant Blend Probiotics". Finally, we started giving him "Carlson's Very Finest Fish Oil for Kids". Hope this helps.



answers from Charlotte on

My son had the same problem. He grew out of it at about six months. I tried the Enfamil formulas like my doctor suggested. After gentlease wouldn't work, the doctor told me to try Enfamil Prosobee. I think I spelled that right, but just in case, it's in a blue can with and two years ago when I used it, it had 2 rabbits on the can.
Anyway, the Prosobee is Enfamil's soy formula. After just a few days on it, I saw a major improvement in my son's reflux. Good luck.

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answers from Raleigh on

My 3rd son was similar to this. Finally, the pediatrician's office said without any other symptoms (losing weight, pain) they just weren't going to be as upset about it as I was. Sort of blunt, but I was the one who phrased the question and he just nodded his head in agreement. At that point we were doing baby Zantac and the Reglan (I think). Since I really didn't see a big difference, I tried taking him off of the medicines for a few days. There didn't seem to be any difference to me on or off the medicine so I just never gave it to him again. Either he grew out of it OR he finally stopped over-filling his stomach. He was a voracious nurser and a big baby but apparently a fairly small stomach. Once I went back to work, a pumped bottle of just 4 oz satisfied him for a bottle feeding and he started solids when I went back to work, too. He never threw up baby food - so the whole ordeal stopped when he was about 4 months. I'd still agree with all the other who suggest a specialist. Like I said, with an otherwise perfectly healthy baby, the pediatrician wasn't going to do anything further.

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answers from Nashville on

My nephew was the same way. In his case it was that the valve between his stomach and esophagus (I think that is the location) wasn't fully developed and wasn't staying closed. The formula just kind of fell out basically. He was never uncomfortable from it, just always messy. My sister kept a supply of bibs with her at all times. It wasn't reflux or lactose intolerance or anything. If it's just the valve, it is more upsetting to you than to him. My nephew never even noticed. It got better and better the older he got. It went away completely at about a year. And it certainly wouldn't hurt to try switching bottles. That can fix a lot of the gas issues. Every baby sucks differently and you just need to find the bottle that works for your son. Gas could be the only thing wrong. If he farts and burps a lot, he might not ever get fussy from gas like other babies, because he is able to take care of the gas. Fussiness comes from not being able to burp and fart and it starts to hurt them.

Before you switch his formula again or give him any kind of supplements or home remedies, talk to your doctor. It might simply be a valve problem. And if it IS something more, the doctor needs to be involved in diagnosing it. Give him a chance to get used to the new formula, it can be irritating to their systems to switch around too much. And I would never give my infant any kind of medicine or treatment, even something homeopathic and supposedly safe, without checking with the doctor first. Babies do not have the same bodies as toddlers, children and adults do.

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answers from Raleigh on

My 5 year old daughter (who was my second child) had the same problem for the first few months of her life. I started off nursing her but couldn't keep up with her as she'd nurse, spit up, cry and then want to be nursed again to ease the pain of spitting up. It was a never ending cycle. There were no such things as burp cloths. I used bath towels instead. She also had explosive diapers so I knew there was a lot of gas in her stomach. She was a really unhappy baby and I was running myself ragged trying to make her comfortable. Her saving grace was that she was a good sleeper.

I made a trip to the pediatrician and saw one that wasn't our regular pediatrician. He suggested Reglan. (They told me if I did use Reglan to keep Benedryl close by because sometimes Reglan causes seizures and Benedryl would reverse it. Can you imagine using such a medication on a baby?) I'm so happy I never went that route. I did allow my regular pediatrician to put her on baby Zantac though. My husband has bad reflux and I felt safe using Zantac.

I talked with some mothers about it and they gave me the best advice. I switched her to formula and went with the soy formula. I think she had some sensitivity or allery to lactose. I also added some rice cereal to it to give it some bulk. It was a little thicker going down, but it also meant I fed her a little less often which meant less spitting up. That also might help with your constipation problem.

The other thing I did was kept her sitting upright most of the day. I didn't let her lay down much. I had her in either her bouncy seat or an extra car seat most of the day. I already was sleeping with her in the guest bedroom to let my husband get sleep. I put her in the bed next to me and allowed her to sleep on her stomach (I spread out a towel underneath her just in case.) I know that stomach sleeping is frowned upon due to SIDS, but I was sleeping right next to her and I'm a light sleeper and don't move during the night.

All of that got us through that difficult time and she just outgrew most of it by the time we got to solid food. She's now 5 and we still talk about that time. I don't have as many baby pictures of her as I do my son because she was so unhappy, I was so worn out, and she always had spit-up on her. But she's happy and healthy and that's what counts.

Good Luck and you will get through this!

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answers from Nashville on

Does the formula have iron in it? That will often affect the stomach and can be too strong.He is old enough you could be giving him some sort of cereal in regular milk. My nephew had this issue, and once he was put on a cereal mix, that quit and he thrived. Good luck and God Bless.



answers from Charlotte on

It could be a few things that are wrong. It could be that the formula isn't heavy enough for his tummy and he therefore can't hold it down. Another idea is that he is lactose intolerant and that is causing the gas. My 18 month old had this problem when I switched him from breast milk to formula. I added about a tablespoon of rice to his formula. It was just enough to make the formula thick enough to keep on his tummy. It still was sucked through a normal nipple but he did keep it down. The gas issue can be remedied by putting him on a soy-based formula or a formula like Alimentum which is supposed to be easier on tummies than regular formula. I would suggest that you not change his formula too often. That could be upsetting his tummy too. Talk to your pediatrician about what formula the recommend for gassy stomaches. But to keep him from spitting up put about a tablespoon of rice cereal in his bottle and see if that helps. By the way, my pediatrician recommended that I do that.



answers from Louisville on

Hi C.!
My daughter had the same issue. Spitting up ALL the time, no pain, but it was so messy! She continued to gain weight, was fairly happy, had occasional constipation, but was generally healthy. She just spit up all day long. I talked to my pediatrician and he said that we could try to switch from nursing to formula if we wanted. He did a blood work up and she was fine, getting her nutrients, etc. I continued to nurse until 6 months and she continued to spit up. At six months I switched to Formula...still spit up just as much except now she was terribly constipated. I did switch to the soy formula and that seemed to help, but BOY does it stink! It seemed like the next 6 months were slowly getting better. One day after she turned 1 year, I recall thinking, "she hasn't spit up today"..and sure enough from then on, no more spit up. My docs explaination was that the mechanism that holds the food in the belly wasn't quite developed 100%. And finally when it was fully developed, she was completely normal. It also had to do with the fact that she was now eating more solid food and sitting up more. Hang in there girl, I remember the anxiety I dealt with during that time. I too let her sleep on her belly, so don't worry about that too much. Each baby is different and with my little one, she woldn't sleep any other way. Stay in touch with your doc, and if she's sleeping ok, gaining weight, not showing signs of pain, and continues to eat...try not to worry so much. It may just be that little mechanism thingy. :) good luck C.. :)



answers from Nashville on

Talk to your pediatrician at your next well child appointment.


answers from Asheville on

I agree with Paulett, I would bet it's an allergy. I had Dr.s tell me that one of my twins had virus after virus, reflux, etc., etc. My Mom, on the other hand, has been saying allergy all along. My poor daughter is now 17 mo. old and started throwing up about the middle of last month. Once again, Dr. said virus, then the rash appeared, "virus" again. I started noticing that the only thing that was consistant was the milk so I switched her to goats milk to see what would happen. No more vomit, no more rash. It took this info to finally get the Dr. to refer her to a pediatric allergist. She goes this Tuesday, but, of course, I know what she is allergic to already. I just hope there is nothing else.
We also had both girls on Gentle Ease and Tori spent most of her first year on reflux meds.
By the way: The goats milk from the grocery store is GROSS! It tastes like goat. Our local health food store told us long ago that fresh goats milk is the closest thing to human milk. They gave me the number of a local goat farm that sells milk. She let me taste it and it has no goat flavor at all and is very good.(and it's only $6 gallon compared to almost $15 at the store) Tori liked it so much that she drank two bottles, back to back.
Most Dr. don't equate constant problems with allergies, so you may have to take matters into your own hands. If you have insurance that allows you to see a Dr. without a referal you can make the appointment yourself, but it really is easier to just try the goats milk and see if it works.

Good Luck!



answers from Raleigh on

Sounds like he is allergic for sure. Go to I would give him some probiotics. You can find these at Earthfare or wholefoods. They are located in the refrigerator area where the vitamins are. They come in a powder glass bottle. I took these(pill form) while I was pregnant and still do. I also give these to my 2 year old daughter. I use to put it in her bottle but I now put it in her milk. I know I have ready on the ecology website, by Donna Gates that you can give your child some of her fermented liquid drinks. Basically all this is, is putting the good bacteria in our bodies to help keep your immune system strong. I could go on and on... definitely do not go to soy formula! There are some homemade ones you can make if you are interested call me. ###-###-####



answers from Louisville on

first thing that comes to mind have you tried soy formula?? talk to his doctor i know reflux can last hours after bottles so talk to your doctor



answers from Parkersburg on

My little boy did the same thing starting at about 3 weeks old so I told the doctor about it and he said it was acid reflux and sent us to a GI specialist who put him on zantac. He finally grew out of it at around 18 months. As for the gas I gave my son Mylicon and it really helped with that problem. I feel for you my poor guy wore a bib all the time and I always had a burp rag handy. Hope this helps.



answers from Louisville on

Keep working with your pediatrician until you find the solution. One visit isn't enough. Try making phone calls to ask questions and keep the doctor up to date on his condition. It could be serious and you need more than Mamasource.



answers from Atlanta on

Some babies don't vomit much and some do. Our son went through several different types of formula before we eventually stuck to Target Soy Formula. This was all before he was two months old!!!!
We had really nasty diapers, constipation, farting, throwing name it!.
As some babies are like this, you just have to find a formula that maybe has this least effect on your son and wait. It takes a while for their digestive systems to mature. I bet that by four or five months he'll be a completely different baby and your washing machine can have the afternoon off....LOL
Our son now is nearly 10 months old and doesn't need to wear a bib most of the time now.
All the best. Just be patient and things will sort themselves out in a few weeks.



answers from Memphis on

The daughter of a friend also had this problem. She was breastded and on all the reflux meds. She also had constant ear infections and had blood work done and noticed that she was slowly becoming anemic. It turns out she is allergic to milk and was bleeding ever so slightly in her GI tract (never saw anything in the diaper). It took a specialist to determine the milk allergy after dealing with the general pediatrician office for several months.



answers from Charlotte on




answers from Knoxville on

My daughter also spit up alot. From one of the books I read (Baby 411), they said that babies spit up because the muscle at the top of the stomach is loose - it doesn't tighten up until about 6 month to 1 year. So, formula/food easily comes back up. My daughter slowed down the spitting up around 6 months and now hardly does it at all (7 1/2 months now).. So, as long as it doesn't bother your baby and he is gaining weight (obviously keeping enough food down), don't worry about it. I kept a bib on her all the time and a burp cloth on me.



answers from Memphis on

OK, so I have 2 different stories for you. My oldest son was a very happy baby, but spit up all the time with no other symptoms too. We had to switch him to Alimentum formula which was good, but pretty expensive. His ped also put him on a reflux medicine, but not until he was maybe 9 months old. It worked wonders! And believe me, the spit up was so much worse on the clothes since he had started baby food. He had to wear bibs constantly until he finally started the reflux medicine. I don't think he ever really spit up again after that. Somehow, I got lucky with my second son and didn't have any problems with him. Now, I have a 2 month old daughter and at about 2 weeks old, she started becoming extremely gassy and spit up all the time too. I didn't want to switch her formula because I thought it was too early for that to really be the problem. I ended up switching her bottles and bought the Dr. Brown's. After 24 hours, she was like a new baby. She still gets gas of course, but not near as much as she had before. I also have to burp her a lot more. I've noticed that when she spits up now, it's because she didn't get all of her burps out. Hope this helps and good luck!



answers from Philadelphia on

It takes time for a baby to adjust to a new formula. It does sound like reflux. My doc let me give tiny amounts of Mylanta to my som during the transition time. (in our case we were ruling out food allergies and possible reflux). It helped. Talk to your Ped again. It is very hard what you are going through. I am still a little crazy about my son's eating and we are on the other side of the ordeal. Maybe if your Doc presents a timeline to you (how long to wait before going on to a new formula, when to expect a noticible difference), you can get a sense of progress. I did a little research and found out that Nestle formula has hydrolized whey(pre-digested) proteins, other formulas have whey and casein protein (casien protein is harder to digest). My source was the baby 411 book by Denise Fields.



answers from Knoxville on

Hi C.,
Try burping him every couple of minutes when you are feeding him. I don't know if that will help or if it is a problem with the formula like the other moms have suggested. My daughter was spitting up like you are describing (I am nursing though) and interrupting her feeding to burp her has helped.
Good luck!



answers from Johnson City on

my sin dd that, does it smell bad when he spits? my sone ended up with whats called a pyloric stenosis, what it was is the muscle letting food out of the stomach over developed and was to think they went in surgically and just snipped it once which opend it up more and we havent had a problem since



answers from Lexington on

It's sounds like he needs a bottle/nipple with a slower nipple, may be coming out to fast. And he may need to be burped a few times during feedings.



answers from Nashville on


Every baby is different, others' experience may not be exactly what your little is going through.

My pediatrician gave all sorts of suggestions, Reglan, other reflux med (forgot which brand), switching to formula (different ones) instead of breastfeeding, etc. etc. Then I requested my daughter to be seen and evaluated by a GI doctor for proper diagnosis. Instead of putting your little one through more trials and errors by pediatrician (they are not specialists in everything) or suggestions from other moms, have your little one be seen by a specialist. It’s heart aching to see your baby suffer!

Good luck, J



answers from Raleigh on

My son was like this. If you picked him up you were gonna get it on you. The doctor finally put him on Alimentum. Very stinky formula but it helped him a lot. He had gas and spit up large amounts. He was cranky alot. The formula helped cut it back but he was still a "pukey" baby. The only one I had like that. I think boys are more prone to it than girls. I also put a tiny bit of cereal in his milk. Not to make it thick but give him some substance in it to help hold it down better. The doc had reccommended it and when I finally did it I was amazed. I think it was like 1 tsp per 2 oz. Not sure but Im sure you can ask your peditrician about it. He was round 4 months before we found the formula and cereal combination.

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