We have used the same daycare provider since Feb 1999. My youngest child is still going to this daycare. It's an in-home daycare but she is registered with the State of Illinois and she subscribes to a pre-school curriculum. I think other parents at the this daycare found her through a list at the YMCA Glen Ellyn so you could check there.
We love our provider having used her for over a decade. She loves kids and has tons of activities, both recreational and educational for them. I could fill pages about what she does. My kids did not go to a pre-school other than what was taught in this daycare. If your child is learning at a faster pace, she provides enrichment projects. My youngest who is starting kindergarten this Fall loves math so he was given more math activities. He can add, substract and multiply already. He has also eaten asparagus, green peppers and green beans for lunch and regularly eats salad there. None of these foods, he will touch in our home. Even our daycare provider's ketchup is better than ours. It's the same brand but somehow it's better at daycare.
If you are interested, our provider's name is Cora Shin and her tel# is ###-###-####. You can pm me if you would like further feedback.
Good luck with your search.