she should not be weaned of nighttime feeding at such a young age! And no she definitely should not be sleeping through the night at this point, this is a common misconception! Nighttime feeding is crucial for her development and weight gain. why don't you take into bed with you? this is by far the best way to get sleep for both of you. My whole family (mom had seven kids and four sisters all have babies) co-sleep and honestly I don't know of a better way to feed at night. Is she still breastfeeding? just position her next to you in the bed and she should "root" towards your breast when she needs to nurse during the night. The best part is both of you do not need to fully wake up either!. mu daughter is five months and we have been bed sharing since she was born and she never fully wakes up during the night, she stirs a bit, I latch her on, she nurses and we go back to sleep! if she has never slept in your bed before it could take a few nights for her to get acclimated, but it is well worth it! you will probably get many suggestions, but give co-sleeping a shot. not only is it good for nighttime feeding, it is great for bonding between mom and baby. also check out the book nighttime parenting by Dr. Sears ans, there is also a great article in this issue of Mothering Magazine(an excellent magazine to have). Remember, she needs to eat at night, you need to find a situation that works for both of you. Good luck!