I'm 31 years old and happily married for 11 years. Proud mom of two boys; 10 and 7, one girl 5. I know what you are going through. Try stickers. At this age they seem to love stickers. Each time he behaves well or does what he is asked to do, let him put a sticker on a chart or just paper on the fridge or bedroom door. Come up with an amount he needs for each day and each time he reaches it he gets something he wants. Whether it is a piece of candy, a movie to watch, play a game or something small from the store. Start out with a few stickers so that he is awarded and he will want to be awarded again. Then make it more. Something like that. I hope it works. As we know, it is not going to work all the time. They are still going to want what they want, when they want it. Good Luck.