Hi H.,
What a great friend you are. My first son was born premature and people didn't know what to do or say. Don't send sympathy cards (we got that and it irritated me to no end). This is still a happy time, even though the baby is in the NICU!
First of all, call her. Let her know that you are thinking about her. If she does not answer, leave a message and tell her that you do not expect a return call, but to know that if she needs anything you are there. Do this often. And if she doesn't call back, don't take it personally. Keep letting her know that you are there and want to help or just be there to listen. Since you pregnant, she may not want to talk...don't take that personally either. I was angry when I saw pregnant people right after my son was born.
I spent 12+ hours each day at the hospital and did not have the energy to talk on the phone once I was home. Offer to send out email updates to your friends.
If you go to visit, magazines and snacks that she can keep in her purse, quarters for the vending machines. If you see her at the hospital and are able to see the baby, tell her how beautiful the baby is (even if all the tubes and wires look scary). She needs to hear "normal" things and people to ooh and ahh, not gasp and shriek at how small she is. Preemies are fighters, they are amazing little babies.
Offer to make dinner, either now or to freeze once the baby comes home.
You can get her baby a preemie outfit(s). She probably can't wear any clothes right now, but it certainly is a huge milestone once she can. Don't buy any outfits with zippers. The ones with snaps are much more convenient because of all the wires that the baby will have can fit through the openings between the snaps.
You can buy books for your friend to read to the baby. She will be doing lots of sitting at the baby's bedside, so anything to encourage mother/daughter bonding.
You can also offer to help decorate the nursery (this might be personal, as they may want to OR they may really want it done, but may not have the time.).
Little things mean so much. You are a great friend for wanting to reach out. This is a very scary and lonely time for your friend. She needs to know that people are there for her.