Need New Pediatrician - Los Angeles,CA

Updated on September 12, 2011
N.F. asks from Los Angeles, CA
5 answers

Can anyone recommend a good pediatrician in the West side/South Bay area? Specifically I'm looking for Westchester, El Segundo or Manhattan Beach. Our kids' current doctor is nice but the office hours are limited (no Saturday hours, won't see patients till 11am on Mondays, etc) and the waiting time has gotten really bad, despite making appointments well in advance and arriving 15 minutes early. We have Blue Shield insurance and searching the company website for a doctor has been frustrating to say the least. Any help is much appreciated!!!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I don't know of any doctors in that area because we ended up using Dr. Flores in Rolling Hills Estates. I just wanted to offer that you should avoid Dr. Vivian Liu. She is egotistical and cannot admit when she doesn't know what to do to help the child. We made the mistake of having her for the first year of my older son's life. I saw an ad for her and went to an orientation she had and thought she was nice. I really wish I'd gotten recommendations instead.

Good luck in your search!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I also have all good things to say about Westchester Pediatrics.



answers from Los Angeles on

Westchester Pediatric is AMAZING. All three doctors--Dr. Danelle Fisher, Dr. Amy Shapiro, and Dr. Daniel Lau--are caring and accessible. We primarily see Dr. Lau. The office staff is responsive and thoughtful and the whole place remembers our son, even when it's been months since we've been in there. They are open late on Mondays, open one Saturday a month, and since all visits are by appointment only, they never run too far behind. I have been able to make same-day appointments where they have "squeezed us in" in critical situations (though if they ARE too full, I sometimes take my son to Urgent Care in Marina del Rey, near my work). I can't say enough nice things about Westchester Pediatric. They've been very good to us. :-)



answers from Los Angeles on

Danette Taylor (in MB) is our family doctor - sees my whole family, including my 3 kiddos. If you're willing to go with a family doc instead of a pediatrician, she's a great choice. The other docs in the practice are good too.



answers from Los Angeles on

Ucla in manhattan beach. All 3 drs great but we love dr ghafori! Both nurses have been there for years....and they are great if u call with question.

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