Run, don't walk, to www.tacanow.org
Great organization for families of autism run by families of autism (unlike Autims Speaks who does not speak for the families). You will find anything and everything that you are needing at this time including referrals from other families on doctors.
Today there is the monthly support group meeting right in your neck of the woods! This is a very proactive group that is working on getting their children better.
I am going to the meeting so if you want to meet /say hi I'll be there at the beginning part for sure. It starts at 1:00 and is at the TACA office on Bristol just a block south of the San Diego Fwy. Dr. Jerry Kartzinel is speaking today on biomedical interventions. Amazing man, father, husband, doctor.
TACA Office
3070 Bristol Street, Suite 340
Costa Mesa, CA. 92626