Need Suggestions on Getting My 19 Month Old to Brush Better

Updated on August 08, 2008
K.W. asks from Evansville, IN
9 answers

I have a 19month old and she used to love to brush her teeth. Now, she doesn't want me to do it and if I give her the tooth brush she mostly sucks the toothpaste out and does only a slight movement. I try to hold her down and do it better, but she cries and fights me and I feel awful. I don't want her to get cavities. I just want her to brush a little better. Any suggestions that have worked for you?

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answers from Chicago on

Try a new toothbrush. My kids LOVE the ones with the lights in the handle. They know that the light goes off when it's time to stop...light on...keep going.

Also, let her brush, while you brush. Then tell her, when she's done, you get to brush her teeth to "check them". Then let her "check yours".

If this doesn't work - make a consequence for "not brushing" properly. No sweets, treats, etc.

Also, read the "Dora Goes to the Dentist" book. My girls learned about the dentist and cavities from that.

Finally, if you haven't already, take HER to the dentist - either your or your own. Our dentist counted our childrens teeth, gave them a chair ride and made it fun to learn about your teeth and how to keep them healthy. Eventually when they went to a pediatric dentist, it made sure they were coached on how to keep their teeth healthy. (Like if they're going to have sweets, give them all at once instead of spreading them out over hours (pottytime rewards) or days (Halloween).)

Hope this helps!




answers from Chicago on

All the other suggestions are great except to hold your child down. Do not make something that is for their health a negative thing. My son is a little over two and bought him a battery operated character brush. I let him do it then I ask if mommy could try it in his mouth and he usually lets me. He really wants to brush we I do, daddy's does it, or when his big sister does it. I spoke to my dentist and he said the best thing at his age is not to force him, but also take away any drinks before bed, including milk, only water b/c the sugar will sit on their teeth. The biggest thing he said to do was encourage brushing but do not force it. At this age they control very little so when they can try to control something they will. It is a phase and they will grow out of it.



answers from Chicago on

We do a couple of things. Even my 5yo doesn't brush nearly well enough at this point. I buy the firefly brand toothbrush. You squeeze the end of the brush and it lights up and blinks for 60 seconds. So, they have to keep brushing until the toothbrush is done flashing. Also, I let them brush in the morning and I brush in the evenings before bed. I call it taking turns. Often I will sing songs while I brush to make it fun.



answers from Chicago on

This may sound silly, but my oldest son which is 15 now was exactly like your daughter. WHat i used to do is wait until he was asleep then go to town on his teeth. There are many foods that help clean teeth and gums. Raw food contain high water content such as carrots, celery, watermelon, and apples are highly recommened after mean time to help clean teeth. Drinking water also helps a great deal. Anyway-in time she will be a brushing wiz its just her age and before you know it she'll be teaching her little brother.
Good luck to you!!!



answers from Chicago on

I think you're doing the right thing by holding her down...(versus the alternative of not brushing). We still have a struggle with this and our son is 26 months now. Singing a tooth brushing song or counting to 15 can help, but it frequently involves hysterical crying. I often brush his teeth while he's in the bath now, with the enticement that he can drink some of the bath water afterwards while I make horrible faces. He likes this. The new toothbrush trick didn't really work for us. Neither did new toothpaste. Neither did brushing ours at the same time. He likes to "brush his teeth" - it's just that he doesn't do a good job so we have to do a bit of extra brushing (which is what he hates).



answers from Chicago on

my son pulled the same thing at about that age. He absolutely loves stickers so I bought little star stickers and after he lets me brush his teeth he got a sticker. We still had some fits for a week or so, but he's pretty good about it now (about four months later). He really isn't even interested in the stickers anymore, he just realized it's something we have to do. We did buy him a new toothbrush, but that didn't help really, he just wanted to play with the new toothbrush. So I guess just keep at it, and try the sticker thing (or some other small reward) and good luck :)



answers from Chicago on

I would brush my teeth at the same time with her and mirror what you are wanting her to do. Hum while you do it, or make up a silly song about brushing your teeth and she'll get into it again. You could even take turns "mommy helps you brush" - then you brush her teeth with her tooth brush while she holds it "brush brush brush". "You help mommy brush" - same thing but with you, "brush brush brush". Whatever, make it fun!



answers from Chicago on

Try this: Give her her toothbrush and you take yours and you both brush your own teeth at the same time. Then say "switch" you hand each other the other's toothbrush and take turns brushing each other's teeth.



answers from Chicago on

Our dentist gives out small sand timers. They worked especially well when my children were around 2 +/-.

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