I personally think 12 months is a bit young for night weaning if your child is used to on demand breastfeeding. Breastmilk is such an efficient source of nutrition, that they do tend to want to eat more often.
I night weaned my son at 18 months. He was a little older, so we talked about not nursing anymore until it was light out. (I randomly chose 5am). He fussed the first night, but I just offered water and threw him over my shoulder. This lasted a few nights, but there was no real crying. We co-sleep though, so he still got to snuggle with me.
I would recommend continuing to take your baby's cues as far as night nursing. Is she walking? You may notice some different sleep patterns as she approaches walking and it is up to you, but with my kiddos, I would have never wanted to attempt night weaning at the same time they were getting ready to walk, as their sleep patters were always crazy just before big milestones!
Good luck mama!