I just weaned my daughter at 15 months (she is now 16 months) and she nursed all day and night. We did do the co-sleeping and whenever she wanted to nurse she could. I didn't have help to quit nursing so I decided to go cold turkey. It was a very hard week but honestly it took about 5 days for her to get the jist that she isn't getting the boob. I offered her a sippy everytime she went for the boob or I distracted her. My boobs were I think the worst part of it but I had several people tell me to try cabbage leaves on them (raw cabbage leaves) and it actually took the engorgement away which is what I was hoping for. I did take her out of my bed and into her crib. For the first couple of nights I offered her a sippy of water everytime she woke up. After about 2 nights she would wake up once during the night and wimper.I wouldn't go to her if she just wimpered and she would fall asleep within 5-10 minutes. After a week she was sleeping through the night and now a month later is still sleeping through the night. Now she will still try to nurse from time to time almost like she forgets we aren't doing that anymore. But honestly, if I were to do it again I would go cold turkey. Get it done and have only one hard week instead of several hard weeks.