i would just stay home the next few days, keep her very close to you (in a sling if possible) and try to just nurse her as much as possible (like every 10 mins to half an hour) until she is back on track. Stay on the couch and keep her at your breast for most of the day if you can. Also call your local la leche league leader (on their website).
You know whenever I go on car rides I nurse my baby (with my seatbelt on and her strapped in her carseat) by leaning over the seat and pulling the seat toward me. I sometimes sit on one foot. Obviously my husband drives. This is the only way I have ever gone anywhere even remotely far (40 mins). I have never used a pump, a pacifier, or a bottle and I have three children. I nursed all long term (4+ years!). Perhaps you should get rid of those things. It sounds as though they may have complicated a fine breastfeeding relationship.