My 4 year old was just prescribed Zofran for the stomach bug this week. One dose and he quit vomiting after almost 5 days straight. So I think it will work for any nausea.
I'm not sure why it would just quit working though.
I am 19 weeks pregnant and have been consistently nauseous/throwing up throughout this pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my daughters, the sickness ended around 14 weeks or so. I am still really ill (number 3 is a boy!) at 19 weeks. I have been taking it every morning. This morning it hasn't done anything and I have been throwing up non-stop. Thank goodness hubby and girls are out of the house at a b-day party. Can it just stop working all of a sudden or do I have the stomach flu? Would it not work for a stomach flu? Ugh. Thanks.
Thanks. I'm starting to feel a little better after about 12 hours straight. I also realized I had chills and a fever which just broke with some Tylenol. Baby is kicking so I guess he is ok!:)
My 4 year old was just prescribed Zofran for the stomach bug this week. One dose and he quit vomiting after almost 5 days straight. So I think it will work for any nausea.
I'm not sure why it would just quit working though.
It's probably a stomach bug.
I had nausea throughout both of my pregnancies right up until I went into active labor. But I don't think Zofran helps for a stomach bug. Or perhaps you ate something bad (food poisoning). That comes on sometimes as soon as 3 hours after eating, sometimes as late as 8 hours or so... but it is violent vomiting every hour or so for a few hours, then starts to lessen after about 3-4 hours. Stay hydrated. Gatorade or Vitamin water type drinks that have electrolytes... just sip tiny amounts at a time.
I hope you feel better soon!.
I don't know about the meds, but just so you know I was sick all the way through with one of my pregnancies. I only gained 15 pounds. Right after having her my appetite returned and I ate a lot. It had nothing to do with the sex of the baby and it didn't happen with any of my other kids. I found that it was best not to force myself to eat things I didn't feel like eating (like vegetables) because I would just throw it up anyway. If I only ate what I felt ok with, I could keep some stuff down.
I was taking meds for morning sickness with my son and they didn't work at all. At 14 weeks, I went and got acupuncture. One treatment was all it took and it was gone.
It could just be a bug. I had Hyperemesis with my last pregnancy and my 1st, but not my 2nd. If it does not let up, I would ask your doc about it. (HG is the short name for it, you can go to www.helpher.org to learn more.) There are a few other options, such as a pump that can be put in to help relieve some nausea. I hope you feel better soon.
Hey, I know this is late, but it could just be your body's reaction to a different kind of baby. I was super sick with my first two (girls) and not once with my third (boy), so when I started the sickies at week seven on my fourth pregnancy, I knew it was a girl. I had a friend who was exact opposite. Maybe boys make YOU sicker...