I would give you the advice to not shop online. A seamstress who makes a garment in a factory makes minor adjustments as she sews. She might even put the wrong tag in the neck. The designer decides this is how they want this style to fit or that style to hang. SO they make the hips narrower and the shoulders wider.
It's super hard to order online and it actually costs more since you have to pay shipping and handling.
It's much easier to go to Penney's or Walmart or Sears or Target or Cato to buy items when the season's are starting to change. Like now. Summer clothes are probably gone but fall items are likely on clearance. You should be able to pick up tops with sleeves or 3/4 length sleeves. Warmer colors but not Christmas stuff yet.
The day after Christmas the stores will put every Christmas outfit on sale probably at least 50% off. If your weight is fairly steady then you can buy a few items that can be worn next year/winter. They might have red sweaters, leggings, Christmas tops for parties, and more. I always get several items to put in storage for the next year and then I keep them put up and wear them for years.
Shopping at the end of a season is smart. Shopping when items are on sale is smart too. I've bought super nice church dresses at places for pennies on the dollar when they had a blue light special, 50% the lowest price.
I love Sears clothes. My favorite formals have come from there and my cutest heels did too. Shop around and find a store you can count on to have tons of stuff on clearance.
Cato is my go to store. I can go in there and never look at the stuff that's not on clearance. I can go in and find 4 tops and 3 pairs of pants and not spend $30 for NEW clothes. Pants don't go in and out of season, business tops don't go in and out of fashion. I love those button front shirts that are slightly fitted and have lycra in them. They just stretch and bend with you.