Diced up chicken nuggets that you baked, cheese pizza cut up tiny, scrambled eggs with cheese, cut up deli meat and cheese, yogurt, oatmeal (real flavored oatmeal), continue giving him tiny cut up versions of whatever you are having.
** Side note-Hot dogs are really not good for kids, unless you get the organic or turkey dogs they are full of sodium nitrates and preservatives. I am NOT a health freak either, just they are not good for anyone and especially kids. I get the natural turkey dogs, they taste the same, actually less expensive and my kids love those. I also get the Hormel naturals in the luncheon meat too, no nitrates or addidtives.
You can make mac n' cheese, pot pies, pasta dishes of any kind. Cut up chicken (I would put off tougher meats if he doesn't have his molars). You can give him ground turkey cooked and seasoned too.
Exposing him to adult spices and flavors will help prevent pickiness later too.