Pediatricians and Views on Vaccinations

Updated on October 05, 2006
M.C. asks from Ogden, UT
3 answers

I'm going to start interviewing Ogden pediatricians for my baby and I'm having a difficult time getting started. I'm looking for someone who can be empathetic to the fact that my first daughter passed away soon after her vaccinations and will allow me to have a delayed vaccination schedule. Does anyone have any references or ideas? I would really appreciate any info.


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answers from Salt Lake City on

M., my pediatrician John Allred is wonderful with kids as well as moms. When my sister-in-law was feeling depressed and inadequate about not being able to nurse her baby, he was so sensitive and really helped her feel better about. I know that can't be anything like the pain of losing a child, but I do know that he has always been caring and gentle. He has seven kids of his own, so all of his advice is practical and realistic--not the stuff you hear from a lot of experts that just makes you feel like an underachiever mom. I think you would feel really comfortable with him. He is at the Ogden Clinic in Roy. The number there is ###-###-####.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

I would recommend Bear Care Pediatrics. It's located in the Childrens wing of the Ogden Regional Hospital. Dr. Kathie Coopersmith and Dr. Ken Stevenson are both awesome! And they were very understanding when we delayed on some of our son's vaccinations. Our daughter has autism & although we don't think that's the cause, we wanted to be careful. Hope this helps.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

I don't know about Ogden, but I feel the ped. I have for my 2 kids is a very wonderful and understanding man. Don't know how he'll react to that request on Vacs., but his name is Dr. Noel Nye at the Tanner Clinic in Syracuse. Might wanna at least talk to him!

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