I have had mine 9 months and still have not stopped having one. In the beginning I would have a period one month but not the next and then for 2 months I would have one and the next not. That has just been my experience.
How long did take for anyone's period to stop after you have Mirena put in. I had mine put in about a month and half ago, had a period about 1 week and half after I had it put in and haven't had anything since. My doctor told me it would take about 6 months or longer for my period to totally stop. I was just wondering what everyone elses experiences were. Thanks in advance!!
I just wanted to tell everyone thank you for the responses. I still haven't started and that makes me a few days late if I am on a normal schedule. I am going to just wait it out another week or two before I get paranoid. LOL Thanks again everyone!!!
I have had mine 9 months and still have not stopped having one. In the beginning I would have a period one month but not the next and then for 2 months I would have one and the next not. That has just been my experience.
I'm no doctor, but according to the commercial you have shorter, lighter periods (just saw it, lol). I didn't think you were suppose to stop having periods all together.
I've had my mirena for 2 years and still have my period. My doctor said it's different with everyone.
Hi, I have had mine for 3yrs.I love it!! I had about 4 months of spotting at first and I still have a period every month. It is extremely lite and only about three days, so don't get your hopes on not having one again. And Yes i still have CRAMPS with my period!!! which sucks! Hopefully you'll be a lucky one and wont have to deal with periods.
i had mine put in may 8 so im due for a period in a week so ill let ya know.
I think mine went to "spotting" around 2 or 3 months after I had it put in. Now I only get spotting for a few days every 2-3 months. It's been in for 1.5 yrs.
Mine went straight to spotting after the first month (I haven't bought tampons in 3 yrs :) ).
I love my Mirena! My period never stopped entirely but I'd have very light spotting once a month or so. For me, the period change was fairly immediate, did not take 6 months.
Good luck and enjoy!
A. K
i have had mine for 4 years now but i think it was like a month not 6 months but i did have some spotting like 3 years in it was weird but talked to my doc and she said it was normal... everyones body is different in that it may take 6 months but then it could take less time. if you are too concerned talk to the doc and if necessary do blood work but i would not worry to much...