WoW! What I write might make you upset, but, imagine two other children, who have taken her place, and then she is shifted from house to house, one where rules are strict and one where there are none... Imagine where she is entering puberty or there alreadyh, lost between three or four adults, who are just, not seeing she is hurting... Only thing, telling anyone of you adults, might, bring further anger, because she probably doesnt feel safe, since every adult have their own persnal agner, pain, or reasons to dislike the other, and her is a child lost in all that parental muck... It is great you asked, but, are ANY of you REALLY ready for how she feels... I think the best place for her is counseling where she CAN TALK OPENLY, HONESTLY, AND LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH ALL THE PARENTAL AND SIBLING ISSUES... bECAUE IT SOUNDS LIKE THE PARENTS NEED TO GIVE HER LESS RULES, AND MORE COMPASSION, SHE WENT THROUGH A DIVORCE, TOO! Yes, she needs to bathe, eat, etc. but, what does she get for the efforts she makes that are POSITIVE? sometimes, parents focus on the NEGATIVE, which tends to send the child into a negative spiral... Try changing the methods, and asking her what could she do to make her life easier, since you want a independent, loving, considerate, responsible, accountable child, not an example for anyone, but herself! Allow her time to express with respect (though anger might come out, do not focus on the sound, but the words, she might be hurting, and lsot) Dad needs to set with ex-wife, and discuss positive methods to help THEIR daughter to be more supported and guided in both homes, not just one... If Mom, can't comply, maybe then a parental visitation, might be needed to be revised, with child input, that helps her in BOTH homes... Try being the parent/friend where she can learn to vent the issues, with safety, where you guide her towards better habits and skills, rather than the enforcer, and Dad is the main guider, with reasonable discipline... Try talking instead of yelling, anger, blaming... I was chilld of divorce, and the parental feuds were the bane of my exsistence, until a judge made the adults stop being self-centered and super disciplarians, and helped me get them to grow up and listen...