My son was so stubborn. Same thing, fine with #1 but never did #2. When I got upset about it I would just let it go for a day and start fresh again. My son didn't perfect it till he was 4. I put him in the cloth pull ups so he could tell if he went. One day, he's sitting on my bed watching tv. All the sudden he jumps out of bed and bolts to the bathroom. After he came out he went to his room and played. I went over to the bed and found a pillow by the spot he was sitting on. He wet the bed and was really embaressed. I didn't say anything to him about it. But its was like a ton of bricks! He had been going ever since.
When christmas came around my son was playing with his cousin. (and is 2 months younger then my son) My cousin told me she was having a rough time getting her son potty trained as well. My son found out he was still in diapers, called him a baby, and made him cry! Once again embaressed and hit him like a ton of bricks!
So I guess the moral of the story is to let her take her time, she will figure it out one way or another. She is still pretty young yet. So just hang in there.