I am a firm believer in not pushing the potty training because it just causes too much stress and frustration for both the mom and the kid. When my oldest (a boy) was 2 1/2, I started trying to potty train him. I tried everything I could think of: aiming at something, bribery (with toys and chocolate!), running around naked all day. Nothing worked. When I put him on the potty, he would scream "My pee-pee won't come out." He would sit there for 5 minutes, and then pee on the floor practically the minute I got him off. I finally just said forget it, and I quit worrying about. Our pediatrician agreed, too, because when we went to his 3yr check-up, she said that her second boy (she has four kids) was well over 3 before he "got it" and it's better not to push it. Then one night about a month after his 3rd birthday, he started to pee in the bathtub, and I said (with excitement), "Ooh, let's go in the potty instead!" And he did. And that was all it took (for pee-pee), and he hardly ever had any accidents. The next day we went to a movie, and I was a little worried about him lasting the whole movie, but he was absolutely fine. He was also quit wearing pull-ups at night about 3 months after being potty trained.
We did have more trouble with poo-poo, as he still wanted to go in a diaper (at least he asked me for a diaper when he had to go poo!) But to this day he doesn't like going poo. Even that was solved within a couple of months with the help of a sticker chart (a sticker for each time he went poo on the potty; he got a reward after the first 12 stickers or so, and then I made it 16 or 20 for the second chart; he never needed a 3rd chart).
Now all of that said, with my 2nd (a girl), I decided not to push it at all, and then she practically potty trained herself at 2 1/2. In one weekend she was going pee-pee and poo-poo on the potty, without me doing much at all besides deciding to put her in big girl panties for the weekend to see what would happen.
So this was a long post, but really, don't worry about it too much. Don't let yourself feel guilty because your 2yr old isn't potty trained. He will use the potty when he's ready! Good luck!