You'll need to ask the daycare providers exactly how they "introduce" the potty. Is it just that pottys are in the room and children are encouraged to begin using them? Or is it that the teachers in the room are actually going to spend time training the child?
Children are really only "ready" when they want to be. That doesn't mean you can't start discussing the topic with your daughter...but if you push it, she might get stubborn and refuse to do anything, or she might revert back to old ways down the line. When she's ready to use the potty, she'll let you know. On average, girls tend to be potty trained around 2.5 years, and boys around 3.5 years.
I used to work in a daycare and worked in the transition room (2-3 years). We never forced potty training. We had toilets in the room, and it was more with the child began to be interested in them that we would start asking if he/she needed to use the potty. The only major requirement is that your daughter will need to be potty trained before she moves on to the next room, typically the preschool room.
But keep in mind that observation is key here: she may suddenly become really interested in potty training because her friends from daycare are doing it, one of her friends moves up to the next room because of being potty trained, or because she suddenly understands what you are doing.
Good luck!