Don't worry! My son did the same thing for about 8 months. He was over 4 the day he realized that he wanted to go #2 on the potty. It was harder on my husband, who really got frustrated with the whole thing because my son would do it once, then not for months. We created a chart of good behaviors, pee pee and #2 on the potty. At the end of each time he did the behavior 10 times, he got a small reward (one hour at the park with his friend Sammy, a cookie, and for #2, a new DVD of a Disney movie. When he completed doing all 40 things (4 behaviors times 10) we took him to Disneyland. For months, he did not connect poo poo on potty to Disneyland, but the SECOND he did, he pooped 8 days in a row on the potty and has not had an accident since. They truly do have to get there on their own schedule and boys are later than girls. Just stay positive and try not to punish accidents and he'll work it out. As I said to my husband, I don't know any grown men who don't use the potty, so it is only a matter of time!