Hey A.,
I too struggled with PPD and it was the HARDEST thing I have ever been through. You have no energy to go out, let alone put forth the effort to meet or hang out with other moms you have never met. My advice is take each day at a time. You say that you struggle with "PPD Badly," since that is a relative term I don't know what that means for you; but if you have days that you can barely get out of bed, or even take a shower, then make little goals during the day. If you are more functional, then take walks around your neighborhood/mall, or errands. Make plans to meet up with family on available days.
Continue to make connections on-line, not only here but at babycenter.com. They have different boards that you can connect with other moms. They even have a message board for moms who had their babies in the same month. So I'm sure they can add support too.
Do ask your fiance to watch the baby, while you go get something to eat, or walk around the mall. Make some time for yourself, even if that only means during nap times.
As for your PPD, the ONLY thing that got me through it was anti-depressants. That's not to say that it is for everyone, but for my case I needed them. My daughter just turned one, and I am slowly coming off of them. PPD is a chemical imbalance that is evidenced by your behavior. I had huge support from my mom, husband, and friends. It's a scary time because of the number of transitions you are making, but motherhood is amazing, and PPD does get better! Praise God for that! IF you need any other help with PPD just write me, I not only suffered from it, but I'm also a mental health counselor, so I counsel women who struggle too. (that sounded like a commerical! :) ) anyways, A. continue doing the best that you can. Continue to reach out, and your efforts will be rewarded.