I have a thought to share, which is that often times, body odor is connected to the elimination of toxins in the body, usually related to what we are eating.
I don't know when this started, or if it has always been, but I would suggest taking a look at diet, or any other things that might be going into or on the body that your body might be trying to cleanse of or release.
Perspiration alone is not what contains the odor. I believe that it is bacteria or toxins that are being released that create the odor.
Now, that's just one school of thought that I'm sharing. I am no expert on the topic, and haven't researched any other possible physiological reasons for it.
A way to explore my suggestion would be to try out body cleansing/detoxing and see if that helps.
Another thing to just keep in mind is the connection between anti perspirants/deodorants and breast cancer.
These are both bits of information that I learned at a body cleansing program.
Those are my 2 cents. All the best to you!