My toddler did this since she was about 12 months old, and as she got older, the diaper change tantrums just intensified. She will be 2 in December, but occasionally throws a diapering fit just for the heck of it to test me. We are very DEEP into the terrible 2's, and she is a tantrum thrower in general - but barely ever throws a fit about the diapers.
I've found the key is to stay completely and totally unmoved and calm in the face of the tantrum: while she is kicking and screaming and throwing her fit, talk to her in a normal voice at tell her that (this is waht I said anyway) "you are getting your diaper changed wether you like it or not, you can cry and scream, but you are still having your diaper changed". She'd try to get away bare bottomed, and sometimes I would let her - but after a few minutes when she had calmed herself by removing herself from the situation, I'd put the diaper on her anyway. There is nothing about the diaper changing routine that causes this behavior, it is just your 1.5 year old testing your limits - which she will continue to do, wether it be because of diaper changing or not. The point is to set your limits and stick to them: dont let her make you angry or frustrated, and don't feed into her tantrum. NEVER hold her down to change her, that can cause escalation of the tantrums - when she starts kicking and screaming, try tickling her, or wrestling her playfully in order to manuver the diaper onto her. There is nothing wrong with exerting a little force to keep her still, but holding her down wont help anything. Do the distraction thing - but not to an excess, and know that LOTS AND LOTS of mommies go through this with their toddlers and their newly found independence.