I had never heard of this before, so I googled it. I came across the same page as Bug, but I disagree with what she wrote. Progressive Parenting is not the same as Attachment Parenting. Rather, it is taking Attachment Parenting even further.
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaley_Scott
13 Principles of Progressive Parenting
1. Progressive parents fill their children's needs for constant physical contact from birth (breastfeeding, holding, cuddling, etc.). They do not worry about ‘spoiling’ their children, or concern themselves with whether their child’s behaviour is age- appropriate.
2. Progressive parents make every possible effort to meet their child’s unique needs and always try to 'Find The Yes' in any situation.
3. Progressive parents do not use any form of discipline including behaviour modification techniques (time-out, praise, rewards), punishment, discipline, consequences etc.
4. Progressive parents use gentle guidance and modelling as their parenting 'tools', rather than exerting authority over their children. They see their child as requiring an ally or supporter to guide them through their early years.
5. Progressive parents offer encouragement for learning new skills, but do not judge children's performance with either criticism or evaluative praise.
6. Progressive parents try to help their children do the things they want to do in a safe way.
7. Progressive parents make great efforts to listen to what their children are communicating, both verbally and non-verbally. They respond accordingly.
8 Progressive parents model acceptable behaviour and consider everyone's needs in the family when solving conflicts.
9. Progressive parents view their child's voice as equal to their own.
10.Progressive parents take care of themselves and are honest about their own needs and feelings. They do not sacrifice themselves to the point of becoming resentful.
11 Progressive parents are constantly aware of the way they appear to their children, through their verbal and non-verbal language and make conscious efforts to always be respectful and kind in their interactions.
12 Progressive parents hold loving, positive thoughts of their child through life and always assume they have the best of intentions.
13 Progressive parents strive to be aware of the ways in which their own childhood pain interferes with their ability to be good parents and they make conscious efforts to avoid passing on their own hurts to their children.
I found some of those points to be "food for thought," but I could not see me using them effectively. I believe too strongly that children need structure, they need us to teach them to lead disciplined lives and they need consequences for their actions. I believe in being a supportive, nurturing parent, but I believe these principals cross the line and would not work. As parents, we are raising children and guiding them and teaching them to become productive adults. I'm pretty sure strictly following these principals would produce very self-centered, adult age children.
But please do not confuse this with Attachment Parenting which focuses on meeting the NEEDS of children, with a strong emphasis on the adults needing to distinguish between NEEDS and WANTS.