Neither of my children were given any immunizations at 9 months. I think they had their fingers pricked for a drop of blood, but that was it. It could be time for one of her Hepatitis immunizations, but I would be surprised if she was given the MMR today -- I think the recommended timeframe on MMR is 12-15 months. (My kids got theirs at 15 months).
Regarding the flu shot, ask about any possible interaction side effects (if she receives other injections). I think the only threat from the flu shot comes if it is given when the child already has a fever or is having wheezing/breathing problems. But check with your Pediatrician.
My advice is to have a frank, open conversation with your Pediatrician about immunizations (MMR) today so that you have the science side of information before you make your decision in the next few months. Personally, I'm pro-immunization, as there has been no scientific base to the alarmist views on MMR. But it doesn't matter what I think -- only you can decide what is right for your children!!