I dont' know what mr is but isn't eci supposed to be for children who cant' sit still and need the exra help? I cant' imagine a 3 year old sitting for 10 minutes.
Did she take into consideration his hearing loss while assessing his cognitive skills? The whole thing just sits wrong. Why do they want him assessed now? Let him go to preschool then see how he does, then go from there, In my opinion
The first thing you can do to help him is give him one direction. Say pick up the paper, when he does that praise him, then say go put it in the trash, then more praise. Most 3 yr olds don't follow multi step directions.
Look him directly in the eyes. Get his attention, then give your direction.
Give him time lines and deadlines. We are leaving in 5 minutes, 3 minutes, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1--LET'S GOOOOOO!!!