These companies are ridiculous, and just covering their behinds. When our baby gate was recalled, they said the same thing - so what are we supposed to do without a baby gate at the top of the stairs, when, by their instruction, we are supposed to "stop using the product immediately?" : ). Anyway, my little tirade being over, My advice is to use a portable crib. In my experience, little ones transition back and forth pretty easily, like they know its temporary! We moved halfway across the country when our daughter was 12 months old, and she had to sleep in her pack-n-play for a week until our furniture arrived and then for another couple days while I finished painting her room. The transition was pretty seamless, even though she had been sleeping in a different room in a new house the whole time. Your daughter is a little older, but she should do fine if she has all her comfort objects with her in her temporary crib. You could also tell her a story every night about her crib's adventure and how it will feel all new and happy - she may not completely understand, but it will give her a sense of wonder, comfort, and finale to the whole experience!