I believe babies are a blessing. After a very tough pregnancy (preeclampsia, bed rest, then hospitalized post partum 2 wks w/ bp of 220/110) with my number 3, I found out I was pregnant with number 4...they are just barely 12 months apart. I thought I was crazy for "going through with it" at first. But what were my options? I know it is a huge debate and I am all about everyone's personal private rights. But again...really...what were MY options?
I don't know about your specific medical problem. I was facing my blood pressure being crazy and possible bed rest for my whole pregnancy and not with two kids this time but with a baby to add into that mix. So I know how scared you must be with all the what-ifs. I never had to be on bed rest, never had any problems with number 4.
I would highly suggest seeking the advice of a perinatologist. They specialize in high risk pregnancies before I made any decisions. Ob's mean well, but this type of dr has seen worse, so they can better evaluate your needs. They also can give you a more realistic view of what to expect. They will decide whether you need to see the perinatologist through out your entire pregnancy or periodically or just see your OB. If you have to have a referral and your OB gives you a hard time about seeing the perinatologist-it is worth throwing a fit about in my opinion. Just for peace of mind if nothing else.
I know I am not much help. Hang in there. What ever you decide will be right for your family. Those are the people that you have to make happy and take care of, so keep that in mind. Take care of you!