I am so sorry to hear about your son's diagnosis. I don't know a lot about scarlet fever, but as a Mom, my heart goes out to you.
I have a friend who's neice had scarlet fever and ended up with an extended rash (psoriasis) for an extended period of time. She was so uncomfortable and itched so badly. Their Dr. gave her steroids but it didn't help. Then he wanted to up the dosage, but it could have caused permanent damage to her. She was just under 2 at the time.
My husband and I had a life changing experience with a good tasting fruit juice called MonaVie, and we shared it with their family, too. They gave it to their little girl and in less than 24 hrs the rash was almost complelety gone and she had complete relief from the itching. They e-mailed us the pix - it was quite a testimony.
The juice is not a magic cure, it's just a juice, but it has living enzymes, phytonutrients and natural anti-inflammitory agents, etc., etc.,. It's pretty amazing.
I already loved the product, but when I saw what it did for this little girl, I loved it even more.
At any rate, if you would like to try it, I would be happy to get you a bottle. Just e-mail me at ____@____.com.
Wishing you all the best!