Local honey, 1-2 tablespoons a day. It has to be local and have the local pollens in the honey - also not processed/filtered. It basically acts like an allergy shot to desensitize you to the pollen.
what do you moms do to help with seasonal allergies besides the allergy meds of course,he takes those.? thanks!
Local honey, 1-2 tablespoons a day. It has to be local and have the local pollens in the honey - also not processed/filtered. It basically acts like an allergy shot to desensitize you to the pollen.
Is he allergic to dust mites? If so, covering his mattress and pillows in protective materials will help tremendously. So will removing his carpet from his room. If he has old carpet, at least put new. If he is really suffering, put in some hardwood or laminate (way cheaper). Wash sheets on hot water weekly. Tell him to keep his face away from the floor (rolling on the floor will trigger allergies). And the same with beds.
my kids take showers nightly. That has helped a lot.
Good suggestions below. My kids won't do the neti pot. Wash hands and face before bed. Drink lots of water. We use humidifiers (but we are in CO and it's dry)... and on days it really builds up - if the child is old enough, I do use kids Mucinex to think the mucus so it doesn't turn into an ear or sinus infection and they can just blow it out or swallow it. Allergies are so much fun. Best of luck
Wash bedclothes every week.
Dust/vacuum often.
Saline spray.
If pollen related, it really helps to close have him close his eyes and have you wipe down his eye lashes with a damp tissue. Our eye lashes are nature's dust-catchers, but when they are full, we tend to rub our eyes and then the dust falls into our eyes.
Take care.