I would not let the denominations get in the way. I always have told people that I am a follower of Christ. If you can meet more families in a Lutheran church, go for it. All the main and recognised denominations follow Biblical truths. We are all followers of Christ. The different denominations differ in how the church politics are run. I have been to many different denominations and we all had a love of Christ in common. I have always settled with the church that was the best fir for me when I have moved. Find a church with an active youth ministry, and you are destined to find alot of moms and women's groups to help support you and your family. I am now a member of First Presbyterian, but I have worshipped with Catholics, Methodists, First Reformed, Lutheran, and Wesleyan. Remember, when we get to Heaven someday, all who have accepted the gift of Christ's love will be there, it will be One church. What a wonderful day that will be!