Are you under any pressure to decide soon whether or not to try to conceive child #3? If not, perhaps some more time and perspective might make your decision easier? Deep inside, you will know (and may already!) if your family should expand again or if you are fulfilled with 2 kids.
I'm with you - the transition from 1 to 2 was difficult and I am still struggling to regain the patience. Part of me would love to have a bigger family, but part of me just feels so overwhelmed right now with my 3 yr old and my 6 month old that I can't imagine bringing more children into the fold. Maybe I'll feel differently several years from now, and maybe we'll feel ready as a family to grow... or maybe I'll still feel like 2 is all I can handle and stay sane!
As far as birthing another child... I know mothers who have had successful VBA2C! It's not crazy to consider, despite what most OBs would say. It's *very* interesting to see what the actual research data shows about the safety of VBAC, even VBA2C. Plus, there are definite health benefits to babies being born vaginally (colonization of the gut w/ the mother's good bacteria, clearing of fluid from the lungs, etc., and that "cone head" thing someone mentioned about babies born vaginally? Uh, that is temporary and goes away within hours! Bottom line: if you are considering a 3rd, and are interested in VBA2C, it is sooo crucial to have the right support. That's really hard to find here in Ohio, but it is possible - have you been in touch with your local I-CAN chapter (Cesarean Awareness Network)? It's a fabulous organization doing some really important work, and if you do decide to have a 3rd child, I highly recommend attending monthly I-CAN meetings even before you start trying to conceive. And yes, even if that means you would drive to Cincinnati or Columbus once a month - the support and information and networking is *that* good:
Best of luck to you in deciding what to do - I'm sure you'll make the right decision for you and your family! :)