Hi, M.,
My son slept through the night at 7 weeks, but my daughter took almost 7 months. She was up several times a night. She would nap well in her bouncer chair during the day, but would not sleep at night. I was (am) working, and it was hard!! We think it was congestion. She just could not sleep well lying down. (She ended up getting tubes at 14 months after a series of ear infections). When she was 4 months old, I started having her sleep beside my bed in her bouncer chair. She still woke up a couple of times, but all I had to do was reach down and pat her, not get out of bed, and she would settle down and go back to sleep. Then we bought a wedge that we put on top of her mattress but under her sheet that elevated her head. Babies move around a lot, but it did seem to help a bit. If she sleeps okay in a chair but not a bed, it could be that she is congested. Good luck and hang in there. I know how hard it seems now but it will get better! My daughter is 2-1/2 now and in about 2 years, she's only been up in the night maybe 5 times, usually when she is sick.