It's now 3 am. I hope he's asleep. Green discharge from the eyes sometimes happen with an upper respiratory infection. This is a virus. There is nothing the doctor can do. I suggest talking with the nurse before taking him in. Consider that wbile you wait in the waiting room you are exposing other's to this virus. Also going just adds to your child's discomfort. Discharge is a normal reaction to an upper respiratory infection and is just one of those things we accept as part of an infection. I have had this happen to me.
Using a warm wet wash cloth gently wipe away this discharge may help. Continue to do as the doctor suggested during your last appointment.
I really miss the wisdom moms that we gained from our moms while growing up in the 50's and 60's. Used to be we knew that very few infections needed a doctor's visit. we learned from our moms how to deal with it. suggest that insurance and too much information has caused all too many doctor visits. Life happens. We are often not in control of it. Many things including discomfort has to be accepted as a part of life. We learn to accept what happens as a way to make us stronger. Your child is OK. He just has an upper respiratory infection. If his body has not fought the infection off in a few weeks that is the time to see the doctor.