We've used Dr. Louann Maffei at the Westborough office of Southborough Medical. She's been great for years and my son is almost 20! I don't know her position on the vaccines but you could ask her - I asked for and received an interview when I was pregnant so I could check her out. She's not an alarmist and she does listen to parents. I think she asks great questions during physicals - for example, she asks about social relationships, friends, teachers, not just about traditional medical issues. The Westborough office is smaller but you would have access to Southborough as needed for things like blood tests, xrays, and so on - it's nice having it nearby. Southborough Medical is a bigger building with all kinds of specialties and a large staff. You could also check them out although I don't know any of the pediatricians personally. Another great pediatrician is Robert Basow in Hopkinton (I think) - he used to be with Dr. Maffei but then bought a practice of a retiring pediatrician. We saw him many times when my son was younger and think the world of him.