Seeking Pediatrician in Westmont Area?

Updated on April 26, 2007
T.K. asks from Plainfield, IL
7 answers

I am looking for a good, nice pediatrician in the Westmont area? We are moving there in early July. Also any recommendations on childcare likes and dislikes in the area as well. Peter Pan was recommended a while ago? Please let me know.

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So What Happened?

Thank you all for your help. But unfortunatly at this time we need to keep looking for an apartment. Due to bad credit issues, they wanted too much of a security deposit that we just can't swing. I tell you they all get you when you are already down. We thought that getting a cheaper apartment and having some of the utilities paid for by the complex would help our situation, but finding it very hard to do.

More Answers



answers from Chicago on

I take my son to DuPage Pediatrics in Darien which is not that far. I got the reccommendation from this website and have been very pleased! We see Dr. Hall, but if you look at the past reviews on here other doctors are supposed to be good too!
Good Luck!



answers from Chicago on

Hi T....we use DuPage Pediatrics in Darien and have been very happy with them. It's a large group of doctors but it's pretty easy to see the same one continually. I'd recommend dr. gardner, dr lynch or dr kelly from their practice. their number is ###-###-####



answers from Chicago on

Hi T.:

I really do not know of a pedetrician in this area as my kids are grown but I did want to write and tell you that at I am an at home daycare provider and would be more then happy to watch your little boy if you are interested. I have been doing daycare out of my home for 13 years now. I am licenced with the state and am CPR and First Aid certifide. I also belong to a daycare organization in the western suburbs called United Child Care Network.
If you are interested and would like to talk further feel free to call me.
I live in Westmont.




answers from Chicago on

Hi T.: So you are moving to Westmont, we spoke about this in one of your previous post. I take my son to Dr. Ayuste, she is located in Downers Grove. The number is ###-###-####. Check her out, make sure she is covered through your insurance. Also I wanted to mention, you have a fabulous Emergency Medical Center right on Ogden. Whenever your son (or you) get sick you can just walk right in. No appointment needed. When I lived in Westmont I use to go there all the time. Kids are kids and you never know when they'll get sick. They open everyday until 8pm and also on weekends and Holidays, they are amazing.



answers from Chicago on

Dr Muzaffar is wonderful. She has evening availability and returns calls during off hours. I really like her a lot and she has been wonderful with my 5 month old.



answers from Chicago on

I take my children to ABC ped's in Naperville. It is not all that far from Westmont. They are the best. All the dr's in the group are fabulous. There bedside manner is excellent. They genuinely care about the children. They are the located off of 75th st and book road.
good luck



answers from Chicago on

For the last 12+ years, I have been taking my kids to General Pediatrics out of the North Pavillion at Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove. I think all of the doctors there are wonderful. They always have a same day appointment available if necessary, and have nurse appointments too. The wait time is short and they do what they can to help you avoid an office visit if at all possible. Last year, my husband's insurance switched and I had to take my kids to a different doctor. I had high hopes since we found a medical group closer to our home that would see the adult members of the family too. But it was terrible and I couldn't wait until the new open enrollment this past January so I could make sure we could get the kids back into General Peds. I HIGHLY recommend them and they are VERY close to Westmont. Also, the few times I have had to take my kids to the ER at Good Sam, I was very impressed with the hospital as well.

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