Www.additudemag.com has some forums... As do other places (chadd, yahoo groups, etc.)... The problem, though, is pretty expected: the forums are pretty flighty overall.
In part because a lot of us parents are ADHD, and in part because ADHD kids require different energy levels from parents, so there's not a huge amount of time to spare. So there tends to be active periods, high turnover, and drop dead dull/near silent periods.
It's funny.. Actually... I know 4 moms on this board who are ADHD, and about 7 or 8 regular posters who have ADHD kids, and the same holds true. NONE of us answer every ADHD Q. We tend to go in cycles... Sometimes we feel like talking about it, sometimes not. So there's the microcosm here, that exists on ADHD forums as a whole.