You can set up parental controls on the t.v, if you have it via your t.v cable provider. It's worth looking into. That way, she can't just turn on the t.v. and put on her own t.v. shows... YOU, the Parent, would have control of it. You can block certain channels from kids. Use the t.v as a 'reward' for good behavior, versus as entertainment. Or, set up a system, where every time she acts up, she loses her allowance or something or has to give up something, for example. All children have a 'price'... that will make them change the tune of their behavior. Kids mimic what they see, what they see at school, what they see with peers. The world does not revolve around them... .they need to learn this, or they will not improve. Imagine as your (or any child) gets older.... it can just get more and more sassy, or defiant. The main thing is to be CONSISTENT... once you set up rules or consequences for her... STICK to it, no matter how much attitude you get. It will get worse, before it gets better. CHildren also have to learn EMPATHY... what their behavior does to OTHER people and how it makes others feel at the other end of the stick. This is another way to 'teach' them consequences. They need to have a well-rounded 'picture' of what their behavior does to EVERYONE involved, not just themselves. GOod luck!