Would balancing the apples and pears with the cereals and bananas work? (ie, mix some cereal into the fruit, mash a real banana with some applesauce together. I think it is a bit early though, I think my son just started on basic food at 5-6 months old and we worked up slowly.
He also did not like baby jarred foods and would not eat the whole jar in one or even two sittings, so often I would just mash up some slices of a ripe banana and feed that to him then eat the rest of it myself. But that was more like 9-10 months I think???
Cheerios are a great food for babies (and ME! ha I still love Cheerios!)
If she truly is hungry for food variety, give her just a few bites of this, and a few bites of that to balance each other out. Not a jar of one food.
Hope that helps.