Since I'm considered a high-risk pregnancy, I've gotten ultrasounds done every 2-3 weeks. We were first able to find out the sex at 15 weeks (a boy!). It has since been confirmed in several other ultrasounds.
How soon can you find out the sex of your baby? I have had 2 miss carriges and havent known the sex til after my miss carriges happened im now 14 weeks.
Since I'm considered a high-risk pregnancy, I've gotten ultrasounds done every 2-3 weeks. We were first able to find out the sex at 15 weeks (a boy!). It has since been confirmed in several other ultrasounds.
I am a midwife. Ultrasounds to determine the sex are not very accurate until about 20 weeks. The reason being is that the testicles of boys do not descend until around 18 weeks, some are even later than that. So, if you had an ultrasound now and they told you were having a girl it is possible that the testicles have not descended and later on you find out you are having a boy. That is why they wait to do the ultrasound until around 20 weeks.
On another note I have 3 children. I found out the sex with one of them and it was so much more fun with the other two to wait until they were born to find out what they were. Finding out the sex is kind of like opening your Christmas gifts before Christmas.
Well most doctors won't do an ultra sound until the 18 to 20 week mark. Because that is when they do all the measuring and stuff...finding out the sex at that time is just a bonus for the parents. But technically the baby's sexual organs are formed by 14 weeks. So in theory if you did get an ultra sound right now you could find out. I had a friend who due to complications during her pregnancy had to get an ultra sound done at 14 weeks and that was when they found out they were having another boy.
16 weeks, but they frequently want you to wait until 18-20 for the most accurate look. Of course it really depends on how cooperative the baby is also.
I found out at 16 weeks with this pregnancy, and at 17 or 18 weeks with my last pregnancy. Both boys :). Typically they say sometime between 16 and 20 weeks, but it does depend on whether the baby cooperates.
Congrats on your pregnancy!
With my son we found out when I was 15 month and the technician said if they don't hand us a boy in the hospital its not ours. :) I guess it always depends on the position of the baby but she definitly didn't have any doubt with him and yes he came out as a boy. With our second there wasn't a place around we could go to, to pay for an ultrasound before the doctor did it. I was 20 weeks when we found out that we would have a daughter. So I think in a week you should have a pretty good chance on finding out what you are having. Wish you all the best with this pregnancy. :)
14 wks is a bit early but not impossible. We found out at 19 wks with our first and 17 wks with the second.
I think I found out when I was 19 weeks.
You can do a CVS test at 10-12 weeks, which diagnoses genetic defects as well as can tell you 100% gender. It's similar to an amniocentesis in that it is somewhat invasive. In a CVS, they pull cells from your placenta & look at chromosomes, whereas in an amniocentesis, they pull cells from amniotic fluid.
Has your dr. been able to tell you why you're miscarrying? We miscarried last year after testing positive for Down Syndrome which was diagnosed through a CVS. We also found out it was a boy. Happy to say, this was an isolated incident, and we're expecting a healthy baby girl any day now.
Talk to your OB. Good luck!
They don't normally do an ultrasound until 18-20 weeks unless there is something wrong, so you can find out then! Congratulations!
i was un able to find out with my daughter til month 7 but that is all because she was not laying right during the ultrasound but if she would have been in the correct position the ultrasound tech said that she would have told me at my 20 week appointment.
I had a 4D ultrasound done at 14 weeks. The tech said she was "a million percent positive" I was having a girl. She was right. :) It was $75 for the gender determination package but worth every penny to us. They had told me if they couldn't tell that early, they'd let me go back for another scan for free.
You have gotten a lot of good medical answers, but do you have a gut feeling? I had no idea until about month 3. Then one day I knew for sure I was having a boy. At my 20 week ultrasound it was confirmed and I was not surprised.